Fig 1

Fig 2
Species : Cyrtodactylus yoshii
Size (snout to vent) : 10 cm
Size (total length) : 22 cm
Yoshi's Bow-fingered Gecko
is a large species of Cyrtodactylus which inhabits moist, lowland
primary rainforest. The species was first described in 1990.
Its thickset body measures up to 10 cm snout-to-vent, and its slender tail
reaches around 12 cm. Its body colour is greyish, the dorsal surface of
which is adorned with a series of irregular, equally-spaced dark brown bars,
which also transverse the tail. Numerous tiny tubercles cover its skin.
Its head is medium in size, and its eyes large. The skin above its eyes has
a bluish tinge.
The specimen shown here (left) is identified on the basis of its size,
patterning, colouration and tubercular skin. It was found at head height on
a small tree in Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo.
Yoshi's Bow-fingered Gecko appears to be restricted to northern Borneo.
Figs 1 and 2 : Specimen from lowland, primary forest at Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo.