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Text and photos by Nick Baker, unless credited to others.
Copyright © Ecology Asia 2025 |
of Southeast Asia |
There are nearly
300 species in the order Carnivora, divided amongst 16 families.
Within Southeast Asia, around 60 species are currently recognised in
families. Carnivorans have features evolved for the capture and consumption
of meat, however many species have evolved away from a fully meat-based diet whilst
retaining such features as large canine teeth, sharp claws and the ability
to run fast. The most speciose groups in the region are the family
Mustelidae, which comprises otters and martens, the civet family Viverridae,
and the cat family Felidae which includes the iconic, but severely
threatened, Tiger. |
Cats : Felidae
SE Asia : 12 species (worldwide 41 species)
Bay Cat
Catopuma badia
Asian Golden Cat
Catopuma temminckii
Jungle Cat
Felis chaus
Sunda Clouded Leopard
Neofelis diardi
Clouded Leopard
Neofelis nebulosa
Panthera pardus
Panthera tigris
Marbled Cat
Pardofelis marmorata
Mainland Leopard Cat
Prionailurus bengalensis
Sunda Leopard Cat
Prionailurus javanensis
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Flat-headed Cat
Prionailurus planiceps
Fishing Cat
Prionailurus viverrinus |
Civets : Viverridae
SE Asia : 16 species (worldwide 36 species)
Arctictis binturong
Small-toothed Palm Civet
Arctogalidia trivirgata
Owston's Civet
Chrotogale owstoni
Otter Civet
Cynogale bennettii
Hose's Civet
Diplogale hosei
Banded Civet
Hemigalus derbyanus
Sulawesi Palm Civet
Macrogalidia musschenbroekii
Masked Palm Civet
Paguma larvata
Palm Civet
Paradoxurus musangus
Malay Civet
Viverra tangalunga
Other SE Asia species :
Arctogalidia stigmatica - Bornean Striped Palm Civet
Paradoxurus hermaphroditus - Indian Palm Civet
Paradoxurus philippinensis - Philippine Palm Civet
Viverra megaspila - Large-spotted Civet |
Large Indian Civet
Viverra zibetha |
Small Indian Civet
Viverricula indica |
Linsangs : Prionodontidae
2 species, both in SE Asia
Banded Linsang
Prionodon linsang |
Spotted Linsang
Prionodon pardicolor
Mongooses and allies : Herpestidae
SE Asia : 4 species (worldwide 34 species)
Short-tailed Mongoose
Herpestes brachyurus |
Javan Mongoose
Herpestes javanicus |
Collared Mongoose
Herpestes semitorquatus |
Crab-eating Mongoose
Herpestes urva |
Dogs and allies : Canidae
SE Asia : 4 species (worldwide 35 species)
Golden Jackal
Canis aureus |
Cuon alpinus |
Raccoon Dog
Nyctereutes procyonoides |
Red Fox
Vulpes vulpes |
Bears : Ursidae
SE Asia : 2 species (worldwide 8 species)
Red Panda :
SE Asia : 1 species (worldwide
1 species)
Sun Bear
Helarctos malayanus |
Asiatic Black Bear
Ursus thibetanus |
Red Panda
Ailurus fulgens |
Badgers, Martens, Weasels etc : Mustelidae,
SE Asia : 16 species (worldwide 44 species)
Other SE Asia species :
Arctonyx hoevenii - Sumatran Hog Badger
Martes foina - Stone Marten (?)
Melogale everetti - Bornean Ferret Badger
Melogale moschata - Small-toothed Ferret Badger
Melogale orientalis - Javan Ferret Badger
Melogale personata - Large-toothed Ferret Badger
Melogale cucphuongensis - Cuc Phuong Ferret Badger |
Greater Hog Badger
Arctonyx collaris
Yellow-throated Marten
Martes flavigula
Other SE Asia species :
Mustela kathiah - Yellow-bellied Weasel
Mustela lutreolina - Indonesian Mountain Weasel
Mustela nivalis - Least Weasel
Mustela sibirica - Siberian Weasel
Mustela tonkinensis - Tonkin Weasel |
Malay Weasel
Mustela nudipes |
Stripe-backed Weasel
Mustela strigidorsa |
Otters : Mustelidae, Lutrinae
SE Asia : 4 species (worldwide 13 species)
Oriental Small-clawed Otter
Aonyx cinerea
Eurasian Otter
Lutra lutra
Hairy-nosed Otter
Lutra sumatrana
Smooth Otter
Lutrogale perspicillata
Stink Badgers : Mephitidae
2 species, both in SE Asia :
Mydaus javanensis - Sunda Stink-badger (Teledu)
Mydaus marchei - Palawan Stink-badger |