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Text and photos by Nick Baker, unless credited to others.
Copyright © Ecology Asia 2025 |
Lizards & Crocodilians of Southeast Asia |
From the tiniest of geckos inhabiting
people's houses to huge monitor lizards
of up to 3 metres, Southeast Asia's lizards have evolved to fill
an amazing range of ecological niches. The shapes, colours and mode of
life of the region's lizards is diverse in the extreme. New species are
constantly being discovered, particularly in the biodiversity hotspot which is
the island of Borneo.
The most remarkable of the region's lizards are the gliding lizards (or 'flying
dragons') of the genus
Draco. These highly evolved agamids possess a winged structure (the
patagium) which allows them to glide long distances from tree to tree. The most
diverse group of lizards are the smooth-bodied
skinks : often overlooked, these elusive animals are masters at quietly
disappearing from view.
The examples shown here give a snapshot introduction to the complex world of
Southeast Asia's lizards ... |
Crested Lizards (Agamidae)
This large family of lizards have a generally
spiky appearance, with sharp spines behind the neck, along the back and
near the eyes. They are often brightly coloured, have long tails and bear
sharp teeth. They are diurnal, and mainly arboreal, and the group includes
the Gliding Lizards. Worldwide there are around 550 species, with over 70
occurring in Southeast Asia (not including the gliding lizards Draco
SE Asia : 15 species (worldwide 17 species), as of
Peninsular Horned Tree Lizard
Acanthosaura armata
Masked Horned Tree Lizard
Acanthosaura crucigera
Brown Pricklenape
Acanthosaura lepidogaster
Titiwangsa Horned Tree Lizard
Acanthosaura titiwangsaensis
As of 2021 there are 3 species, all of which occur in SE Asia
Earless Agamid
Aphaniotis fusca
Ornate Earless Agama
Aphaniotis ornata
SE Asia : 11 species (worldwide 13 species), as of
Burmese Green Crested Lizard
Bronchocela burmana
Green Crested Lizard
Bronchocela cristatella
Maned Forest Lizard
Bronchocela jubata
SE Asia : 12 species (worldwide 23 species), as of
Vietnam Blue Crested Lizard
Calotes bachae
Forest Crested Lizard
Calotes emma
Blue Crested Lizard
Calotes mystaceus
Changeable Lizard
Calotes versicolor
As of 2021 there are 16 species, all of which occur in SE Asia
Borneo Anglehead Lizard
Gonocephalus borneensis
Chameleon Anglehead Lizard G.
Great Anglehead Lizard
Gonocephalus grandis
Orange-ringed Anglehead
Gonocephalus liogaster
1 species, which occurs in SE Asia
Robinson's Forest Dragon
Malayodracon robinsonii
As of 2021 there are 6 species, all of which occur in SE Asia
Bornean Horned Lizard
Harpesaurus borneensis
Gliding Lizards (Agamidae, Genus : Draco)
Also known as 'Flying
Dragons', these lizards possess a gliding structure, or patagium, attached
to specialised ribs which can be extended away from the body. They cling
to tree trunks, where they feed on ants, and may be glimpsed gliding many
metres to another tree. They also have a brightly coloured dewlap, or
gular flag, beneath the neck which is extended for display purposes.
There are more than 40 species, the majority occurring in Southeast Asia.
Examples :
Blanford's Gliding Lizard
Draco blanfordii
Boschma's Gliding Lizard
Draco boschmai
Orange-bearded Gliding
Draco fimbriatus
Formosa Gliding Lizard
Draco formosus
Red-barbed Gliding
Draco haematopogon
Spotted Gliding Lizard
Draco maculatus
Black-bearded Gliding
Draco melanopogon
Fringed Gliding Lizard
Draco punctatus
Five-banded Gliding Lizard
Draco quinquefasciatus
Sulawesi Lined Gliding Lizard
Draco spilonotus
Sumatran Gliding Lizard
Draco sumatranus
Barred Gliding Lizard
Draco taeniopterus
Common Gliding Lizard
Draco volans
Butterfly Lizards (Leiolepididae)
This small family
comprises 9 species which all occur in Southeast Asia. Around
half of the species are parthenogenic, meaning an all-female species which
reproduces by cloning without the need of a male. These are diurnal,
sun-loving, terrestrial lizards which live in burrows in loose, sandy
soil. Males have brightly coloured flanks with complex patterning.
Examples :
Common Butterfly Lizard
Leiolepis belliana
Reeves' Butterfly Lizard
Leiolepis reevesii
Malayan Butterfly Lizard
Leiolepis triploida
Eyelid Geckos
Members of this ancient family
still retain 'primitive' features which were lost in gecko groups which evolved later,
such as functional eyelids. The family
includes 6 genera, of which 2 occur in Southeast Asia; Goniurosaurus
(of which 5 species occur in Vietnam) and Aeluroscalabotes felinus,
the Cat Gecko (Malay Peninsula, Borneo). Examples :
Cat Gecko
Aeluroscalabotes felinus
Globally there are well over 1000 species of
gecko. They are mainly arboreal, nocturnal forest dwellers, with a wide
range of ecological niches and modes of life. Many are highly camouflaged,
cryptic forms. Their evolutionary success in Southeast Asia is
largely based on their ability to grip vertical (or even inverted)
surfaces with highly evolved foot pads or sharp claws. Some forms have
adapted to urban life, and eke a living feeding on insects attracted to
artificial lighting.
geckos, or Rock Geckos, are a distinctive group characterised by having
round pupils, elongated snouts, and long digits with sharp claws with
which to grip the surface of rocks and sometimes trees. They prefer shaded
habitats. Globally, over 100 species are recognised with around 40 or so
in Southeast Asia, many of which have limited distribution on isolated
hills. Examples :
Peninsular Rock Gecko
Cnemaspis peninsularis
Tioman Round-eyed Gecko
Cnemaspis limi
geckos, or Bent-toed Geckos, have slender, inflected digits. In the field
the genus may be identified by their body size, large head and large eyes
with vertical pupils. They mainly occur in forest, and are typically found
on tree trunks. More than 300 species are currently described (as of 2023), and the
rate of discovery of new species is high. Examples :
Cyrtodactylus pulchellus
group :
Southern Titiwangsa
Bent-toed Gecko
C. australotitiwangsaensis
Lowland Bent-toed Gecko
C. bintangrendah
Langkawi Is. Bent-toed Gecko
Cyrtodactylus langkawiensis
Lekagul's Bent-toed Gecko
Cyrtodactylus lekaguli
Other Cyrtodactylus :
Kinabalu Angle-toed Gecko
Cyrtodactylus baluensis
Peters' Forest Gecko
Cyrtodactylus consobrinus
Cyrtodactylus darmandvillei
Singapore Bent-toed Gecko
Cyrtodactylus majulah
Panti Bent-toed Gecko
Cyrtodactylus pantiensis
Grooved Bent-toed Gecko
Cyrtodactylus pubisulcus
Marbled Bent-toed Gecko
Cyrtodactylus quadrivirgatus
Peninsular Bent-toed Gecko
C. semenanjungensis
Tioman Bent-toed Gecko
Cyrtodactylus tiomanensis
Yoshi's Bow-fingered Gecko
Cyrtodactylus yoshii
Cyrtodactylus sp. (Bali)
Cyrtodactylus sp.
geckos, or Leaf-toed Geckos comprise a group of 13 species (as of 2022)
also known as 'ground geckos' which occur in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and
Thailand. Most species, but not all, have dark spots, blotches or
irregular, broken bands on their dorsum and tail. They are
ground-dwelling, hiding beneath leaf litter or rocks by day. Examples :
Siamese Leaf-toed Gecko
Dixonius siamensis
geckos, or Four-clawed Geckos, are so-called as the inner digit on all
four feet lacks an obvious claw (however, this is not unique to Gehyra). Their eyes are relatively large with
vertical pupils, and they typically have loose skin. Globally around 40
are described, with around 10 or so occurring in Southeast Asia. Many are
found near human habitation. Examples :
Four-clawed Gecko
Gehyra mutilata
Pacific Dtella
Gehyra oceanica
- 'Large Geckos'. Globally more than 50 species are described in this
genus, of which more than 30 occur within Southeast Asia. Some reach a
huge size, including the Large Forest Gecko and the Tokay - the latter may
occur in human dwellings. They have robust bodies, large and sometimes
huge eyes with vertical pupils. Some make loud calls which can be
heard from a great distance. Examples :
Tokay Gecko
Gekko gecko
Spotted House Gecko
Gekko monarchus
Palmated Gecko
Gekko palmatus
Large Forest Gecko
Gekko smithii complex
geckos, or 'House Geckos', are a large group of lizards with similar
microscopic structure of the feet and toes. The group includes many
species which have adapted to human dwellings, but many more which are
true forest dwellers. Some species are able vocalise quite loudly. As of
2015, more than 130 species have been described, with many forms occurring
in Southeast Asia. Examples :
Brook's House Gecko
Hemidactylus brookii
Frilly Gecko
Hemidactylus craspedotus
Spiny-tailed Gecko
Hemidactylus frenatus
Garnot's House Gecko
Hemidactylus garnotii
Flat-tailed Gecko
Hemidactylus platyurus
- Slender Geckos. There are around 25 or so species in this group,
which are grouped together on the basis of the structure of the feet and
digits. All have elongate, slender bodies, relatively short tails and
widely splayed toes. They are nocturnal, arboreal, forest dwellers but may
be found on man-made structures near forest. Examples :
Lowland Dwarf Gecko
Hemiphyllodactylus typus
Titiwangsa Slender Gecko
H. titiwangsaensis
- Scaly-toed Geckos. This group of around 30 or so geckos is grouped
together on the basis of the structure of feet and digits. They are
typically small in size, and plain in character. Some occur only in
forest, whilst others have adapted to human dwellings. Around 10 or so
species occur in Southeast Asia, often on islands or in coastal habitats.
Examples :
Maritime Gecko
Lepidodactylus lugubris
geckos, or Gliding Geckos, have evolved webbed feet, skin flaps along the
flanks and highly modified tails which allow them to glide between trees.
They are mainly nocturnal, but can be seen by day clinging to tree trunks.
Some are active on buildings adjacent to forest. As of 2019,
13 species are recognised many of which occur within Southeast Asia. Examples :
Smooth-backed Gliding
Gecko Gekko (Ptychozoon) cicakterbang
Kuhl's Gliding Gecko
Gekko (Ptychozoon) kuhli
Lacertid Lizards
(Lacertidae) This
widespread family, of around 300 species of many genera, occurs in Africa,
Europe and Asia. Within Southeast Asia the group is represented by the genus Takydromus, of which
just 4 (out of 24) species
occur. These are lizards with extremely long tails which may be more than
6 or 7 times as long as their head-body length. Example :
Asian Grass Lizard
Takydromus sexlineatus
Globally there are over 1500 species of
lizard broadly regarded as 'skinks', which is the largest of any lizard group. Skinks have evolved to fill a
huge range of ecological niches, however in Southeast Asia most are
terrestrial, and a few are expert tree climbers. Skinks typically have
smooth, slender bodies, long tails and short limbs : in some species
evolution has resulted in the loss of limbs entirely.
DASIA skinks,
or Tree Skinks, are a small group of arboreal lizards of which 9
species are recognised, 5 of which occur within Southeast Asia. These are
diurnal, arboreal lizards, typically seen on tree trunks. Their body is
robust, and typically bears either stripes running parallel to the
body, or bars running across the body. Their limbs are thick, and their
dorsal scales are keeled, which gives a matt appearance. The tail is
around the same length as the head and body. Examples :
Brown Tree Skink
Dasia grisea
Olive Tree Skink
Dasia olivacea
Striped Tree Skink
Dasia vittatum
is a skink genus which includes around
80 species. They are particularly diverse on the island of New
Guinea where many undescribed species occur. They are diurnal and mainly
terrestrial in habits, and are rather shy and fast-moving. Only one
species occurs on mainland Southeast Asia, the Mangrove Skink. Examples :
Mangrove Skink
Emoia atrocostata
Copper-tailed Skink
Emoia cyanura
are known as mastiff skinks, sheen skinks or short-legged giant skinks.
These are long, muscular lizards which move in a sinuous motion. They are terrestrial, and are most commonly seen at dusk, being somewhat
nocturnal in habits. There are just 6 species, of which 3 occur in eastern
parts of Southeast Asia. Examples :
Bar-lipped Sheen Skink
Eugongylus rufescens
skinks, or Sun Skinks, comprise around 30 or so species of which around
half occur in Southeast Asia. These are diurnal, terrestrial skinks which
forage amongst leaf litter, or bask on fallen trees, rocks or in patches
of sunlight on the forest floor. Their bodies are robust and flattened,
and their dorsal scales are strongly keeled which gives them a matt
appearance. Many species have pale stripes along the upper part of the
flanks. Examples :
Long-tailed Sun Skink
Eutropis longicaudata
Speckled Forest Skink
Eutropis macularia
Many-lined Sun Skink
Eutropis multifasciata
Rough-scaled Brown Skink
Eutropis rudis
Rough-scaled Sun Skink
Eutropis rugifera
comprise a genus of just 4 species of
closely-related skink, all of which occur in Southeast Asia. This genus includes the
stunning, bright green Emerald Skink which occurs in Indonesia and the
Pacific Islands. These are diurnal, arboreal lizards with a robust body
and pointed snout. Their scales are smooth and glossy, their tails are
long - at least 1.5 times head-body length, and their limbs are relatively
short. Examples :
Emerald Skink
Lamprolepis smaragdina
skinks (Larut Skinks) are elongated, snake-like lizards, with tiny,
reduced or absent limbs. As of 2015, eight species have been identified,
of which 5 are endemic to Peninsular Malaysia, and 1 each in Thailand,
Borneo and Sumatra. They are secretive, leaf-litter dwellers and are
rarely seen. Examples :
Three-banded Larut Skink
Larutia trifasciata
skinks, or Striped Skinks, are small,
slender skinks with smooth, shiny scales, narrow
bodies and thin legs. They are terrestrial or arboreal and are secretive
in habits. Some species are striped, and others plain coloured. Around 30
species are recognised, the majority of which occur in Southeast Asia and
New Guinea. Examples :
Moth Skink
Lipinia noctua
Banded Lipinia
Lipinia microcerca
Yellow Striped Tree Skink
Lipinia vittigera
skinks, or Supple Skinks, are small, slender skinks which move in a
sinuous, snake-like motion. Their legs and feet are very small. They are
terrestrial. and secretive in habits, spending their time foraging amongst
leaf litter. As of 2023, some 35 species are recognised, of which around half occur in Southeast Asia. Examples :
Bowring's Supple Skink
Subdoluseps bowringii
Supple Skink (Krabi)
Subdoluseps sp.
skinks, or ground skinks, are small skinks, with relatively long tails, fairly thick bodies,
and short slender limbs. They are terrestrial in habits and appear less
shy than other ground-dwelling skinks. More than 30 species have been
described, of which less than half occur in Southeast Asia. Examples
Ground Skink (Cambodia)
Scincella sp.
is a widespread and diverse genus of skink with around 150 species
currently recognised, of which perhaps 50 or so occur in Southeast Asia,
with many more species on the island of New Guinea. Their body shape is
rather thickset, with relatively slender legs. They have adapted to a
range of ecological niches, including forest floor, tree trunks, swamp forest
etc. Examples :
Blue-throated Litter Skink
Sphenomorphus cyanolaemus
Streamside Skink
Sphenomorphus maculatus
Lesser Sunda
Dark-throated Skink S. melanopogon
Blotched Forest Skink
Sphenomorphus praesignis
Sabah Slender Skink
Sphenomorphus sabanus
Spotted Forest Skink
Sphenomorphus scotophilus
'Flores Banded Skink'
Sphenomorphus striolatus
is a group of small, leaf litter-dwelling skinks, some of which are swamp
specialists. These shy, elusive lizards, are rarely noticed : when
disturbed they sometimes seek escape by swimming across small streams and partly
submerging themselves. They are closely related to Sphenomorphus
skinks and, as of 2016, there are 17 species recognised. Examples :
Fraser's Hill Forest Skink
Tytthoscincus bukitensis
Singapore Swamp Skink
Tytthoscincus temasekensis
'Sulawesi Forest Skink'
Tytthoscincus sp.
Monitor Lizards (Varanidae)
These are large, muscular predators with
strong jaws, sharp teeth and a long forked tongue, which they use to taste
the air when searching for prey. Many swim well, and nearly all can climb
trees. Worldwide there are more than 80 species, of which 5 occur on
mainland Southeast Asia and a further 30 or more on islands in the
Philippines and eastern Indonesia. The group includes the Komodo Dragon,
the largest lizard in the world. Examples :
Komodo Dragon
Varanus komodoensis
Clouded Monitor
Varanus nebulosus
Rasmussen's Water Monitor
Varanus rasmusseni
Rough-necked Monitor
Varanus rudicollis
Malayan Water Monitor
Varanus salvator
Crocodiles and relatives (Crocodilia) These are huge,
lizard-like reptiles of which 24 species are recognised worldwide. Within
Southeast Asia (and New Guinea) 5 or 6 species are present including the Gharial(?), False
Gharial, Siamese Crocodile, Philippine Crocodile, Estuarine (or Saltwater)
Crocodile and, further east, the New Guinea Crocodile. Examples :
Other SE Asia species :
Crocodylus mindorensis - Philippine Crocodile
Crocodylus novaeguineae - New Guinea Crocodile
Gavialis gangeticus - Gharial (formerly present in Myanmar, but now likely
Tomistoma schlegeli - False Gharial |
Estuarine Crocodile
Crocodylus porosus
Siamese Crocodile
Crocodylus siamensis