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Text and photos by Nick Baker, unless credited to others.
Copyright © Ecology Asia 2025 |
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Asian Toad |
Singapore, February 2018, near sea-level.
Heard calling during the rainy season, from a small, man-made pond
within secondary forest. The call was loud and could be heard from
50 metres away. |
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Ingerophrynus parvus
Lesser Toad |
Selangor, Peninsular Malaysia, 16 Nov 2017,
Numerous toads were heard calling from a flooded roadside ditch
adjacent to lowland primary forest. |
Ingerophrynus quadriporcatus
Four-ridged Toad |
Venus Drive, Singapore, 02 Nov 2016, 1610
Recorded in an area of lowland, secondary forest where numerous shallow
puddles form after heavy rain. |
Family : Megophryidae
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Leptobrachium nigrops
Black-eyed Litter Frog |
Lower Peirce, Singapore, 17 Nov 2016, 1930
Numerous frogs heard calling near a lowland, forest stream during the
rainy season. The call is a like the rattle of a machine-gun.
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Pelobatrachus nasutus
Malayan Horned Frog |
Upper Peirce, Singapore, 08 Jan
2019, 1900 hrs.
A single frog was heard calling from the edge of lowland freshwater
swamp forest, 30 minutes before dusk. The call is a distinctive,
single 'honk'. |
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Crab-eating Frog |
Air Papan, Johor, Peninsular Malaysia, 05
Nov 2016, 2000 hrs, sea-level.
Recorded in an area of rice paddy, near a mosque. In the background
the deep, resonating calls of
Kaloula pulchra
can be heard. |
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Fejervarya limnocharis
Field Frog |
West Coast, Singapore, 21 Jun 2017, 2030 hrs.
Heard calling tentatively from waterlogged grassland next to a
water-filled ditch. |
Limnonectes hascheanus
Hill Forest Frog |
Fraser's Hill, Peninsular Malaysia, 20 May
2016, 1200 hrs, 1300 metres.
Recorded along a well-used trail (Pine Tree Trail) through lower montane forest : the frog was
concealed beneath leaf litter on an embankment. |
Limnonectes paramacrodon
Masked Swamp Frog |
Central Catchment, Singapore, 06 Jan 2022,
1730 hrs. The call is a quiet 'chuckle' typically emanating from
swampy pools, or from amongst leaf litter. Recorded late afternoon at the edge of freshwater swamp forest. |
Limnonectes plicatellus
Rhinoceros Frog |
Central Catchment, Singapore, 03 Jan 2022,
1730 hrs. The call is a quiet, low rasping sound. Recorded during
drizzling rain at the edge of freshwater swamp forest. |
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Occidozyga martensii
Marten's Oriental Frog |
Air Hitam Dalam, Penang State, Peninsular
Malaysia, 06 Dec 2016, 0720
Many calls heard early morning, from waterlogged and flooded
vegetation near Sungai Kreh. |
► |
Occidozyga sumatrana
Yellow-bellied Puddle Frog |
Recorded after rain in freshwater swamp forest habitat.
Audio file thanks to Law Ingg Thong.
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Cricket Frog |
Johor, Peninsular Malaysia,
06 Nov 2016, 1730 hrs.
Recorded in an area of open, secondary growth at the edge of a
logging road through lowland, freshwater swamp forest.
► |
Chalcorana cf. labialis
Copper-cheeked Frog |
Macritchie, Singapore, 04 Jun 2018, 1100 hrs.
Heard calling from a tangle of vegetation in an inlet of Macritchie
Reservoir, during a hot, sunny morning. The call is very quiet, so
significant gain has been applied to the recording.
Golden-eared Rough-sided Frog |
Gunung Arong, Johor, Peninsular Malaysia,
04 Nov 2016, 2105 hrs.
Heard calling at the edge of lowland swamp forest.
Common Greenback |
Kent Ridge Park, Singapore, 11 May 2020, 2000 hrs.
Heard calling from a small pond at the edge of secondary forest.
Audio file thanks to Yeo Seng Beng.
Rough-sided Frog |
Johor, Peninsular Malaysia,
06 Nov 2016, 1730 hrs.
Recorded in a pool at the edge of a logging road through lowland,
freshwater swamp forest. The frog making the clicking call is
nicobariensis. |
Pulchrana laterimaculata
Masked Rough-sided Frog |
Venus Drive, Singapore, 02 Nov 2016, 1600
hrs, 30 metres.
Recorded in an area of secondary forest where numerous shallow
puddles form after heavy rain. |
► |
Western Sunda Spotted Stream Frog |
Johor, Peninsular Malaysia, 23
Dec 2016, 2020
Heard calling from the edge of a narrow, fast-flowing, clear stream
at the margin of an area of freshwater swamp forest, a day after
heavy rain. |
Sylvirana guentheri
Günther's Frog |
Sembawang, Singapore,
13 Mar 2018, 1615 hrs.
Heard calling on a hot, sunny day from beneath a pile of rocks, next
to a gully in an area of farmland. |
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Kurixalus chaseni
Frilled Tree Frog |
Johor, Peninsular Malaysia, 23
Dec 2016, 2000
Numerous frogs were heard calling at the margin of freshwater swamp
forest, a day after heavy rain. The frog calling 'whoop, whoop' in
the background is Hylarana
glandulosa. |
Nyctixalus pictus
Spotted Tree Frog |
Sime Forest, Singapore, 07 Mar 2017, 2250
A single frog was heard calling from low, tangled vegetation in
secondary forest. This call comprises 5 or 6 peeps of the same
frequency: it lacks the rapid, upwardly-inflected, terminal peeps
which are sometimes heard. |
Polypedates leucomystax
Four-lined Tree Frog |
Thomson Forest, Singapore, 17 Nov 2016,
A single frog heard calling from roadside vegetation at the edge of
secondary forest during the rainy season. The call is a duck-like 'quack'.
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Norhayati's Flying Frog |
Johor, Peninsular Malaysia, 28
Jan 2019, 2015
Three examples were heard calling from elevated perches in trees at
the margin of freshwater swamp
forest. The call is a rattling sound, the loudest of which can be
heard at 11 seconds in the audio file. |
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Blue-spotted Bush Frog |
Singapore, 30 Apr
Jan 2014, 2235
The call is a very quiet, but sharp 'chit'. Heard calling from the
edge of freshwater swamp forest. Audio file thanks to Yeo Suay Hwee.
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Kalophrynus limbooliati
Lim's Black-spotted Sticky Frog |
Sime Forest, Singapore, 10 Mar 2017, 1020
A single frog was heard calling from amongst leaf litter in
secondary forest, on a warm, sunny morning. The harsh bird call at
the start of the recording is that of the
Pin-striped Tit Babbler
Macronus gularis. |
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Black-spotted Sticky Frog |
Johor, Peninsular Malaysia, 21
Dec 2016, 0900
A single frog was heard calling from a stream gully in an area of
lowland, freshwater swamp forest on a sunny morning.
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Banded Bullfrog |
Springleaf, Singapore, 24 Feb 2016, 1935
Small group heard calling from low-lying, flooded grassland at
around dusk. |
Malayan Treehole Frog |
Fraser's Hill, Peninsular Malaysia, 17 Nov
2017, 1136 hrs, 1200 metres.
A lone treehole frog calls on a damp, drizzly night. For this
individual, the interval between each note is 27 seconds. |
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Painted Chorus Frog |
Lim Chu Kang, Singapore, 01 May 2017, 2100
Numerous calls heard from waterlogged, roadside ditch. The call is a
dual-syllabic squeak. In the background can be heard the
clicking/rattling call of
heymonsi, which were calling from the same puddles. |
East Asian Ornate Chorus Frog |
Recorded after heavy rain in a flooded field adjacent to secondary
forest habitat.
Audio file thanks to Law Ingg Thong.
Microhyla heymonsi
Dark-sided Chorus Frog |
Springleaf, Singapore, 20 Nov 2016, 1930
Numerous calls heard from low-lying, flooded grassland during the rainy season.
Manthey's Chorus Frog |
Recorded after rain in freshwater swamp forest habitat.
Audio file thanks to Law Ingg Thong.
Thanks to Leong Tzi Ming, Law Ingg Thong and Law Ing Sind
for assistance in identifying and confirming many of these frog calls.
Other vertebrates
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Gekko gecko
Tokay |
Low hills overlooking Borobodur / Kedu Valley,
Central Java, Indonesia, 01 Feb 2017, 2155 hrs. Elevation: 430
A single Tokay was found inhabiting the roof space of a hillside
villa, and would call loudly every evening. |
► |
smithi / Gekko hulk
Large Forest Gecko |
Johor, Peninsular Malaysia, 29
Nov 2016, 1700 hrs.
Heard calling from beneath the roof of an open-sided rest hut: other
examples were calling from adjacent forest. |