Fig 1

Fig 2

Fig 3
Family : Sciuridae
Species : Callosciurus erythraeus
Head-Body Length : 20-26 cm
Tail Length : 19-25 cm
Weight : approx 250 grams
(Francis, 2019)
Callosciurus erythraeus (Pallas's Squirrel)
is a wide-ranging species known to occur in parts of northeastern India,
Bangladesh, central and southern China (including Taiwan), Myanmar,
Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and Peninsular Malaysia.
In Peninsular Malaysia this is a montane squirrel, occurring at elevations
of at least 1000 metres; it may locally be referred to as 'Mountain
Red-bellied Squirrel'. In other parts of its range Pallas's Squirrel also occurs in
a range of lowland habitats including tall primary and secondary forest,
and highly disturbed areas with low diversity, secondary forest.
Like the Variable Squirrel Callosciurus
finlaysonii, there is great geographic variation in colour and
patterning, but most forms are greyish/brownish above and somewhat reddish
below. Fur is typically 'agouti' particularly the tail (i.e. fur in which
each individual hair is banded, thus creating a 'grizzled' appearance).
Some forms have a single black stripe along the back.
In their 2017 review, IUCN (Duckworth et al, 2017) made this comment about the taxonomy of Callosciurus erythraeus:
'A major structured program of collecting is required to clarify the
complex taxonomy of this species in Laos. (It) often occurs in reports
under the name C. flavimanus even in lists that also include C.
erythraeus. This is symptomatic over the general confusion of squirrel
identification in the region. There are many named and still unnamed forms
in Thailand, Laos and Vietnam, some of which have small ranges'.
Figs 1-3 images from montane forest at Fraser's Hill, Peninsular
Malaysia, at 1300 metres elevation:
Fig 1 : Feeding on the winged seeds of Engelhardtia roxburghiana, a member of
the walnut family.
Fig 2 : The fur on the tail of this example illustrates typical agouti
Fig 3 : Gathering nesting material during the month of April.
Fig 4 : Example from near Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. This squirrel is identified as Callosciurus erythraeus based on its
geographical location, and on the 'agouti' (grizzled) appearance of the fur on its
tail. Photo thanks to Andy McMillan.
References :
Duckworth, J.W., Timmins, R.J. & Molur, S. 2017. Callosciurus
erythraeus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2017:
Francis, C.M. 2019. A Field Guide to the Mammals of South-east Asia. Second
Edition. New Holland. 416 pp.