The Smooth Otter family
emerge onto the mudbanks at low tide. |
The otter can lay claim to being, perhaps, one of
the most charming, amusing, and fun-loving creatures on the planet. Yet,
the existence of otter species in Singapore is, at best, tenuous. Prior to
the massive land reclamation schemes and destruction of mangrove habitat
which has gone hand-in-hand with Singapore’s economic growth otters were,
apparently, once resident in Singapore’s mangrove forests.
Presently, two species of otter are widely
distributed in Peninsular Malaysia - the Small-clawed Otter Amblonyx
cinereus and it’s larger cousin the
Smooth Otter Lutrogale
perspicillata. Two other otter species are extremely rare in the
peninsula – these are the Hairy-nosed Otter Lutra sumatrana and the
Common Otter Lutra lutra.
In their paper "A review of otters in Malaysia and
Singapore", 1994, N. Sivasothi and Burhanuddin Hj. Md. Nor concluded that
the Small-clawed Otter was the only otter species which had ever been
resident in Singapore, and that was prior to the 1950’s. That said, in
1989 a family may have been briefly resident in Pulau Tekong Besar, but
since then only individuals have been seen there. As far as Smooth Otters
were concerned, there was little or no evidence to link them with the
Republic at all.
Searching for crustaceans or
shellfish. |
Recent Sightings
Over the last few years, however, there have been
frequent sightings of Smooth Otters in Sungei
Buloh Wetland Reserve. First a pair of adults were seen, then later
two young cubs appeared during different breeding seasons. Thus, there is
strong evidence that a family group of four Smooth Otters are resident in
Sungei Buloh. Many people feel that the ecology of Sungei Buloh, after
seven years of protection from fishing, poaching and encroachment, has
recovered to such a degree that larger predators are able to live and
breed in the area.
Even the most casual visitor to Sungei Buloh cannot
fail to miss the shoals of Archer Fish, Mullet, Garfish, Half-beak, Green
Chromide, Tilapia and other fish species which abound in the park. Such an
abundant food source will have encouraged the Smooth Otters to remain in
the area. (In an aside, it is worth noting here that the presence of the
Estuarine Crocodile in Sungei Buloh is now officially recognised. As with
the Smooth Otter, this is another large predator at the top of the food
The Smooth Otters do not seem to frequent any
locality in particular – given the small size of Sungei Buloh it is quite
likely that they consider the entire park their territory. Thus, visitors
to the park need sharp eyesight and a degree of luck in order to see the
resident otters. Early one morning in August, however, when the tide was
at it’s lowest I was treated to a close encounter with these wonderful
Close Encounter
Swimming in the waters of
Sungei Bilabong Buloh. |
Standing on the Main Bridge near the Visitor Centre
I saw the entire family of four otters swimming in the headwaters of
Sungei Buloh Besar. My pulse increased as the otters swam towards me, and
I tried to conceal myself as best as I could. Then, right there before my
very eyes, the two parents ventured out onto the mudflats adjacent to the
Visitor Centre, closely followed by their excited offspring. They spent
some moments searching in the mud, presumably looking for breakfast, and I
was able to take a few, hasty shots with my trusty 15-year old Minolta.
Soon, however, they returned to the water and swam right underneath the
Main Bridge – it was quite a sight to these see four dark shapes submerged
under the murky waters.
I followed them quietly, anticipating the route they
would take. Upon reaching the Straits Of Johor, the otters immediately
turned towards Pulau Buloh, occasionally stopping to catch some fish. They
seemed to do this with such ease, having no difficulty catching the slow
moving Green Chromide (an introduced species from India and Sri Lanka).
When the otters were submerged their location was extremely obvious – the
surface of the sea would be alive with fish desperately seeking some
escape. Sometimes the otters would drive the larger fish up onto the
mudbanks, and grab them immediately with their paws and mouths.
Sniffing the air for signs of
danger. |
I was able to take more photos of their antics from
the short boardwalk which overlooks Pulau Buloh. There I crouched
excitedly with a staff from the National Parks Board, who has seen the
otters many times. My final encounter was towards the headwaters of Sungei
Bilabong Buloh where I crouched on the path behind a tree; the otters came
within twenty feet of my trembling camera. The adults became wary the
closer they came – they were sniffing the air and briefly looked straight
at me, but it seems their eyesight is not as good as their sense of smell
and they were unable to locate me. This was curious, as it is reported
that the species locates it’s prey visually. Perhaps they tend to be
short-sighted ! I scarcely dared to press the shutter and wind the film,
for fear of being discovered.
The otter family finally emerged onto the mudbanks
opposite Pulau Buloh, where they were later seen by National Parks Board
staff soaking up the sun.
I shall never forget that morning – such encounters
with wild mammals are rare, and are to be treasured. Let’s hope that these
handsome, endearing and intelligent creatures are able to continue living
and multiplying at Sungei Buloh, protected from habitat destruction and
Final Word
Finally, a plea. That wonderful morning the otter
family were first spotted on the mudbanks upstream from the Main Bridge
across Sungei Buloh Besar. This area lies outside the park boundary and is
frequented by men looking for shellfish, and by stray dogs. In fact, much
of the mangrove which the visitor sees when he looks to the south from the
Main Bridge has no protection at all. Can the boundary of Sungei Buloh
Wetland Reserve not be logically extended to cover this small area to
preserve the aesthetic view from the Main Bridge, and to provide
protection to it’s rare inhabitants, the Smooth Otters ?