Fig 1

Fig 2

Fig 3

Fig 4

Fig 5

Fig 6
Species : Limnonectes plicatellus
Size (snout to vent) :
Female 3.4 cm, Male 4.3 cm
Play call
Limnonectes plicatellus
(Rhinoceros Frog or Penang Fanged Frog), is a relatively small inhabitant of
freshwater swamp forest, slow-flowing muddy streams and boggy, waterlogged
forest with muddy puddles. It is mainly a lowland species, but in suitable
habitat can be found up to 1200 metres elevation. It is strictly terrestrial.
Its presence can best be detected by its distinctive
call which is a continuous, low, rasping sound (with each louder portion of
the call lasting around 3-4 seconds); this can sometimes be heard in the
late afternoon, especially during overcast, cloudy conditions.
Its body colour is brown to orange brown, and the hind legs are sometimes
greenish, with faint barring. A pale vertebral line may be present.
Its body form is short and robust, with muscular hind legs. The dorsum bears
numerous ridges running from the nape to the posterior of the body.
There is a significant degree of sexual dimorphism in the shape of the head;
in males the skull is considerably larger than in females, and there is a
small, raised 'horn' on the top of the skull, which the female lacks. Males
are larger than females.
This species is known from southern Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia (including
Penang Island and Fraser's Hill) and Singapore.
Figs 1 to 3 : Male examples from freshwater swamp forest and muddy, forest
streams in Singapore's central forests.
Fig 4 : Boggy, waterlogged, freshwater swamp forest; Limnonectes
plicatellus was heard calling from this spot.
Fig 5 : Male with pale vertebral line, and well-developed barring on the
hind legs.
Fig 6 : Female example from a humid, waterlogged valley in Singapore.
References :
Manthey U., Grossmann W., 1997. Amphibien und Reptilien Sudostasiens. Natur
und Tier - Verlag.