Fig 1

Fig 2

Fig 3

Fig 4
Species : Limnonectes kuhlii
Size (snout to vent) :
Female 6.7 cm, Male 8.7 cm
Creek Frog, or Large-headed Frog, is a species
of primary and tall secondary forest, where it can be found in the narrowest and
shallowest of forest streams. This species ranges from lowland plains up to
at least 2000 metres above sea
Its dorsal colouration comprises various shades of brown including pale
brown, dark brown or orange brown, and this is usually patterned with darker
mottles and streaks. There is invariably a dark bar extending between the
eyes, and there is often dark barring on the forelimbs and hindlimbs. The
belly is white. Skin texture is rough with numerous small tubercles.
A similar species, the Corrugated Frog
Limnonectes deinodon, is smaller, more stout and lacks the dark bar
between the eyes.
On mainland Asia, this species occurs in parts of southern China, through
Myanmar, Thailand, Laos and Vietnam to Peninsular Malaysia. Further south it
occurs on the islands of Sumatra, Borneo, Java and Sulawesi. This
wide-ranging distribution, however, probably represents more than one
Fig 1 : Specimen from Mount Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysian
Borneo at an elevation of 1500 metres. This specimen is somewhat lighter
in colour than usual. Note the well developed dark bar between the eyes.
Figs 2 and 3 : Specimen from Khao Yai National Park, central Thailand, at an
approximate elevation of 1000 metres.
Fig 4 : Large-headed male from Khao Yai National Park, central Thailand, at an
approximate elevation of 1000 metres.
References :
Inger R. F., Lian T.F., 1996. The Natural History of Amphibians and Reptiles
in Sabah. Natural History Publications (Borneo) Sdn. Bhd.
Manthey U., Grossmann W., 1997. Amphibien und Reptilien Sudostasiens. Natur
und Tier - Verlag.
Thanks to Leong Tzi Ming for assistance.