Fig 1

Fig 2
Species : Leptobrachium abbotti
Size (snout to vent) : Female 9.5 cm, Male 7.5 cm
Leptobrachium abbotti
(Lowland Litter Frog) is a widespread, lowland species occurring in many
parts of Borneo. It also occurs in parts of Sumatra where it is considered
rare. On Borneo, this species is replaced above 1000 metres elevation by the
closely-related Leptobrachium montanum (Mountain Litter Frog).
This frog inhabits the forest floor of both primary and old-growth secondary
forest. By day it remains hidden beneath leaf litter, and only emerges at
night. During rainy periods it makes its way to small streams to breed. Its
prey items include large insects and other invertebrates.
Its body is stocky, its head is relatively large and its eyes are large and
bulbous. Its limbs are slender, which limits its movement to short hops, and
its digits lack webbing. Its overall body size is somewhat larger than that
of the Black-eyed Litter Frog
Leptobrachium nigrops. The tadpoles are large, reaching up to 9 cm total
Its dorsum is dark brown to black, but the top of its head
typically has lighter brown markings. The flanks and inner thighs are
somewhat bluish, with darker bluish mottling, and the belly is pale with
dark mottling.
This species has been found in all administrative regions of Borneo, which
includes Sarawak, Sabah, Brunei and Kalimantan. In Sumatra it appears
to be limited to the western parts of that island.
Fig 1 : Small example from Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo with well-developed
markings on top of its head, and large, bulbous eyes.
Fig 2 : A larger example from Danum Valley, with well-developed, bluish
mottling on the inner thigh.
References :
Inger, R. F. & Stuebing, R. B. (2005). A Field Guide To The Frogs Of
Borneo. 2nd Edition. Natural History Publications (Borneo).