Family : Canidae
Species : Nyctereutes procyonoides
Head-body length : up to 68 cm
Tail length : up to 25 cm
Weight : up to 6 kg
Within Southeast Asia the
Raccoon Dog is only known from northernmost Vietnam, where it inhabits
forested areas. In other parts of its range, for example Japan, it also
occurs in farmlands and at the edges of towns and cities: it has a
broad elevational range, extending from lowlands up to subalpine regions.
Kauhala & Saeki (2016) state that they are often found near water.
This relatively small wild dog, which weighs up to 6 kg (around the same
size as the
Red Fox), is mainly solitary and is typically more
nocturnal than diurnal. It is omnivorous, with a diet that includes small
vertebrates (e.g. rodents, frogs, fish), invertebrates (e.g. insects,
crustaceans) and plant matter (e.g. fruits, berries).
It is of distinctive appearance with dark markings around the eyes, a pointed
snout and erect ears. Its body is somewhat stocky and its tail is relatively
short and thick. Its body fur is yellowish-brown, but on the back, rear of
the flanks and elsewhere the fur is tipped with black.
The native range of this widespread species stretches from eastern Russia to China,
Mongolia, Korea and Japan. In the extreme south its range extends into
northern Vietnam.
The Raccoon Dog is hunted for its pelt, and it was for this reason that the
species was introduced into parts of western Russia and eastern Europe.
Subsequently its non-native range has spread to western Europe.
Fig 1 : A typical example of a Raccoon Dog, resting amongst dry, leaf
litter. This is the subspecies N. p. viverrinus.
References :
Francis, C.M. 2019. A Field Guide to the Mammals of South-east Asia. Second
Edition. New Holland. 416 pp.
Kauhala, K. & Saeki, M. 2016. Nyctereutes procyonoides. The IUCN Red
List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T14925A85658776 |