Fig 1

Fig 2

Fig 3

Fig 4
Order : Cypriniformes
Species : Danio albolineatus
Maximum Length : up to 6.5 cm
In its native range
Danio albolineatus (Pearl Danio) inhabits shallow, fast-flowing hill
streams, and is active in in the surface layer. Its diet comprises insects
which have fallen into such streams, as well as in-situ aquatic fauna (Ref:
In the field, this small cyprinid appears plain or yellowish/pinkish in
colour, with no easily identifiable markings or patterning. Close inspection
of field photographs may reveal faint bluish and orange stripes extending
from below the dorsal fin to the base of the tail fin, and a faint,
incomplete lateral line.
This species occurs naturally in Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, and the Indonesian island
of Sumatra. It is a popular aquarium species and as a consequence has been introduced to
other territories, including Singapore where there are records from the
Mandai, Bukit Brown, Bukit Timah and Tengah areas (Tan et al, 2020; Tan et
al, 2013).
Figs 1 and 2 : Examples from Bukit Brown, Singapore where this species thrives
(along with Danio rerio) in neglected, modified streams; the natural
sandy substrate was replaced by concrete in the 1920's when the area was
first used as a cemetery.
Fig 3 : Ppen-country stream at Bukit Brown; the introduced Pearl
Danio thrives in this modified habitat.
Fig 4 : A pair of Pearl Danio (left) with a lone
Indochinese Spotted Barb (right).
References :
Tan Heok Hui, Kelvin Lim Kok Peng, Liew Jia Huan, Low Bi Wei, Rayson Lim
Bock Hing, Jeffrey Kwik Teik Beng & Darren C. J. Yeo. (2020). The
non-native freshwater fishes of Singapore: an annotated compilation. Raffles Bulletin Of Zoology, 68: 150-195.
Jonathan Y. H. Tan, Lowell H. C. Tan, Glenn Quek, Valerie S. F. Lim and Tan
Heok Hui. (2013). The fish fauna of Bukit Brown, Singapore. Nature in
Singapore, 6: 229-237.
Links :
- Danio albolineatus
Thanks to Tan Heok Hui for helping with