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Text and photos by Nick Baker, unless credited to others.
Copyright © Ecology Asia 2025







Siamese Leaf-toed Gecko 
Dixonius siamensis

Species :  Dixonius siamensis
Size (snout to vent) : 5.7 cm
Size (total length) : ~ 12 cm

Dixonius siamensis (Siamese Leaf-toed Gecko) is one of 13 known species of leaf-toed gecko (as of 2022). It is nocturnal and exclusively terrestrial.

This species can occur in a range of habitats. For example, Chan-ard et al (1999) included five images of Dixonius siamensis from various habitats in Thailand, including sandy beach, a rocky outcrop and farmland. 

Illustrated here are two examples found beneath a rock in an area of open, deciduous woodland and long grass in Mondulkiri province, Cambodia; the rock may have afforded the lizards some shelter during recent grassland fires in the area.

The dorsum and upper surface of the tail of this small gecko is light to medium brown, patterned with scattered dark blotches or broken transverse markings or bars. The intensity of these dark markings can vary greatly. The ventral surface is pale. The tail is rounded in cross-section and broad and thick at the base.

Dixonius siamensis is known to occur in at least Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam (see Reptile Database).

Figs 1 and 2 : Two examples, with markedly different patterning, from Srepok Wildlife Sanctuary, Mondulkiri province, Cambodia, found beneath a rock in an area of dry deciduous forest and grassland which had recently suffered an extensive fire. 

Figs 3 and 4 : Intact and fire-ravaged dry deciduous forest and grassland in Srepok Wildlife Sanctuary, Mondulkiri province, Cambodia. The geckos were found beneath the rock in the foreground of figure 4.

Fig 5 : Juvenile (snout-vent length of 25 mm) found concealed in mature secondary forest at Siem Reap, Cambodia.

All photos thanks to Derek Clark.

References : 

Chan-Ard, T., Grossmann, W., Gumprecht, A., & Schulz, K. D. (1999). Amphibians and reptiles of Peninsular Malaysia and Thailand: an illustrated checklist. Germany: Bushmaster Publications; ISBN 3-9806813-0-0. 240 pp.

Links :

Reptile Database



Fig 1
©  Derek Clark
Fig 2
©  Derek Clark
Fig 3

©  Derek Clark

Fig 4

©  Derek Clark

Fig 5
©  Derek Clark