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Text and photos by Nick Baker, unless credited to others.
Copyright © Ecology Asia 2025







Speckled Forest Skink 
Eutropis macularia

Fig 1

Fig 2

Fig 3

Fig 4








Species : Eutropis macularia
Size (snout to vent) : 7.5 cm
Size (total length) : ~16 cm

Eutropis macularia ('Speckled Forest Skink', 'Grass Sun Skink' or 'Little Ground Skink') inhabits lowland forests of various types, and is typically encountered in forest-edge settings. It can adapt to highly altered habitats such as degraded, secondary forests and plantations.

This species is quite varied in appearance, however in the field it can be identified by its bronze head, pale lip scales, and dark band along the upper flanks. Males in breeding condition have reddish lower flanks and throat. Its scales are strongly keeled, which gives a matte appearance to the skin.

Its body and anterior part of its tail is strongly flattened, and its limbs are relatively short. Its head is distinct from its neck, and its snout is short.

This species is strongly terrestrial, and is known to feed upon a variety of insects and spiders. It is typically shy in habits, and moves away quickly when disturbed.

Within Southeast Asia, Eutropis macularia occurs in Myanmar, Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam. Outside the regions its range extends westwards to the Indian subcontinent, including Bangladesh, parts of India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Nepal and Bhutan.

Figs 1 and 2 : Two examples from Siem Reap, central Cambodia.

Fig 3 : Example from Phuket, southern Thailand. This is probably a male in breeding condition, based on the reddish colour of the lower flanks and throat.

Fig 4 : Example from Johor, southern Peninsular Malaysia.

References :

Cox, van Dijk, Nabhitabhata, Thirakhupt, 1998. A photographic Guide to Snakes and Other Reptiles of Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. New Holland.

Das, I., 2004. Lizards of Borneo - A Pocket Guide. Natural History Publications (Borneo) Sdn. Bhd.