Family : Sciuridae
Species : Callosciurus nigrovittatus
Head-Body Length : Up to 24 cm
Tail Length : Up to 23 cm
Weight : Up to 300 grams ?
The Black-banded Squirrel
inhabits primary forest and can continue to thrive in logged-over forest,
but is unable to survive in the sparse secondary forest which succeeds
extensively logged areas.
The species appears
closely related to the Plantain Squirrel
Callosciurus notatus, being similar in size, shape and general
patterning. The Black-banded Squirrel, however, has a grey belly, rather
than the orange belly of the other species. In some locations the tip of the
tail is also reported as being grey.
Its forest diet comprises
fruit, seeds and occasional insects.
The species ranges from
Southern Thailand and Peninsular Malaysia to Sumatra, Java and Borneo. It
has not been recorded in Singapore.
Fig 1 : Inspecting the ripeness of figs to determine if they are ready for
Fig 2 : This squirrel appears to be smelling a scent marking, perhaps left
by a territorial rival.
References :
Lekagul, B., McNeely, J., 1977. Mammals of Thailand. Association for the
Conservation of Wildlife, Thailand. 758 pp.