Family : Tupaiidae
Species : Tupaia belangeri
Head-Body Length : 16-23 cm
Tail Length : 15-20 cm
The Northern
Treeshrew Tupaia belangeri occurs in many parts of mainland Southeast
Asia and beyond, including most of Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos and
Vietnam. In southern Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore it is
replaced by the Common Treeshrew
Tupaia glis.
This species occurs in a range of habitats including dense forest, karst
forest, forest-edge and disturbed habitats including parks and gardens, from
lowlands to montane areas. It is largely terrestrial in habits, but will
climb on to low vegetation and fallen trees.
Its head and body dimensions are of typical treeshrew shape, and its tail is
long and slender. Its hands are quite dextrous, more so than squirrels.
Its fur colour is brown to olive (with sometimes a reddish tinge in northern
areas); individual hairs bear dark and pale bands, which give a grizzled
There is a narrow, pale stripe on each shoulder, which is a feature of most
species of treeshrew. Female Tupaia belangeri have 3 pairs of mammae;
this distinguishes the species from Tupaia glis, which has 2 pairs.
This is a highly adaptable, energetic, small mammal with a wide-ranging diet
that includes insects, spiders, small lizards, buds and fallen fruits. It
nests in a range of available spaces including tree holes, fallen trees and
bamboo cavities.
Fig 1 : A pair of Northern Treeshrew explore a fallen tree.
Fig 2 : The faint, pale stripe on the shoulder is visible in this example.
Fig 3 : Close-up of the pointed snout, large eyes and small, rounded ears.
All photos from Kaeng Krachan, Thailand, thanks to Charles Currin.
References :
Francis, C.M. 2019. A Field Guide to the Mammals of South-east Asia. Second
Edition. New Holland. 416 pp.
Lekagul, B., McNeely, J., 1977. Mammals of Thailand. Association for the
Conservation of Wildlife, Thailand. 758 pp.