Fig 1
Fig 2

Fig 3

Fig 4

Fig 5
Family : Sciuridae
Species : Lariscus insignis
Head-Body Length :
23 cm
Tail Length : 14 cm
Play call
Lariscus insignis (Three-striped
Ground Squirrel) is mainly a species of lowland, primary rainforest though it
may sometimes venture into nearby, disturbed habitats.
The upperparts and tail are deep brown to orange-brown, and the underparts
are pale. The species is easily identified by the three thick, black stripes
which extend from the shoulders to the base of the tail.
This diurnal species is fully terrestrial, never venturing more than a metre
above ground when navigating fallen trees. It has been observed
burrowing in surface soil in search of food - it feeds on roots, fallen
fruits and insects. Nests are generally located in the rotting trunks of
fallen trees.
This is a shy, nervous species : when disturbed it quickly runs off into the
forest to find a hiding place. Its alarm call appears to be either a repeated
'chi-it' or else a downwardly inflected 'phe-ew', accompanied by tail
The species ranges from southern Thailand through Peninsular Malaysia to
Sumatra, Java and Borneo. In Singapore, the species has not been seen for
many years and is considered as locally extinct.
Fig 1 : Example from Panti Forest, Johor, Peninsular Malaysia, pausing
briefly on low vegetation, around 50 cm above ground level.
Fig 2 : Example from Kledang range, Ipoh, Peninsular Malaysia.
Figs 3 to 5 : A Three-striped Ground Squirrel briefly emerges onto a forest
trail at Gunung Pulai, Johor, Peninsular Malaysia, before resuming its search amongst leaf litter and loose soil for
food - either roots or insect grubs.
References :
Lekagul, B., McNeely, J., 1977. Mammals of Thailand. Association for the
Conservation of Wildlife, Thailand. 758 pp.