Fig 1
© Celine Low |
Fig 2
© Celine Low |
Fig 3
Family : Bovidae
Species : Buvalus arnee
Height : up to 1.9 metres
Tail : up to 85 cm
Weight : up to 1200 kg
The Wild Water Buffalo or
Asian Buffalo
Buvalus arnee is the ancestor of the Domestic Water
Buffalo Bubalus bubalis. While the latter is common
throughout much of Southeast Asia, the Wild Water Buffalo is becoming increasingly rare. Globally there are probably
less than 4000 left.
The species is typically found near water bodies such as open rivers, swamps
and seasonal lakes, often spending much of the day wallowing in muddy water.
Wild Water Buffalo have the largest horns of any species of wild cattle, the
spread of which can reach up to 2 metres (i.e. the distance between the
curved outer edge of the two horns). Both sexes possess these huge horns,
which are the easiest criteria to differentiate the species from
the Domestic Water Buffalo.
Large males may weigh up to an impressive 1200 kg. Their skin colour is
grey, generally darker on the head and lighter on the body.
They graze on a variety of grasses and sedges, and reportedly will also
consume some fruits, leaves and tree bark.
In Southeast Asia the Wild Water Buffalo is still to be found in parts of
Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam, though populations are highly fragmented. In
South Asia they still occur in India, Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh.
In addition to the threats of hunting and habitat loss, perhaps an even
greater threat to this species is the loss of genetic identity as a result
of interbreeding with Domestic Water Buffalo.
Fig 1 : Wild Water Buffalo wallowing in a muddy pool at Kaziranga National
Park, Assam, India. Photo thanks to Celine Low
Fig 2 : Adult Wild Water Buffalo with two calves in dry grassland at
Kaziranga National Park, Assam, India. Photo thanks to Celine Low
Fig 3 : For comparison, a pair of Domestic Water Buffalo Bubalus bubalis
on the banks of the Tembeling River near Taman Negara, Pahang, Peninsular
References :
Shepherd, C., Shepherd, L., 2012. A Naturalist's Guide to the Mammals of
Southeast Asia. John Beaufoy Publishing.