Species : Boiga cynodon
Maximum Size : 2.8 metres
The Dog-toothed Cat Snake inhabits lowland forests,
particularly forest edge, and has adapted well to secondary, disturbed or
open habitats. It is both terrestrial and arboreal.
The body is orange-brown to yellowish-brown, with white-edged
irregular dark bars which extend from the neck to the tip of the tail. The
bars on the tail are more closely spaced than those on the body. An
identifying feature is the thick dark stripe behind the eye.
Tweedie (1957) reports the presence of specimens from Peninsular Malaysia
which possess extensive dark mottling, such that the snake appears to be
almost black throughout.
As is typical with the Boiga genus, the head is distinct from the
neck, and the body is compressed laterally. The snout is rounded and the
eyes large with a vertical pupil.
This snake reportedly feeds on lizards, small birds and their eggs, and
small mammals. It is considered as mildly venomous.
The species is widespread in the region, occurring in Southern Thailand,
Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Sumatra, Borneo, Java and
island groups further east in Indonesia including Bali and Nusa Tenggara.
Fig 1 : Example from lower montane habitat at Fraser's Hill, Peninsular Malaysia. Photo thanks to Joseph Koh.
Figs 2 and 3 : Two examples from Pulau Ubin, Singapore, in an area of
heavily disturbed, non-forest habitat. Photos thanks to
Noel Thomas.
Fig 4 : Example resting in riverine vegetation lining a tributary of the
Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Borneo.
References :
Das, I., 2010. A Field Guide to the Reptiles of South-east Asia. New Holland
Publishers (UK) Ltd.
Tweedie, M., 1957. The Snakes of Malaya. Raffles Museum, Singapore.