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Text and photos by Nick Baker, unless credited to others.
Copyright © Ecology Asia 2025







Orange-bellied Ringneck  -  Gongylosoma baliodeirum

Fig 1

Fig 2

Fig 3

Species : Gongylosoma baliodeirum
Maximum Size : 45 cm

The Orange-bellied Ringneck inhabits primary and mature secondary forest in lowland to submontane areas, up to around 1500 metres elevation.

The species appears to be rather uncommon, as it probably spends much of its time hidden under leaf litter where it feeds on spiders, insects and other invertebrates, as well as small lizards. It will occasionally climb low shrubs.

The species is reckoned to be nocturnal, however the images presented here are of a specimen from Singapore which was active late morning.

The body is relatively slender, and the head slightly larger than the body. The snout is blunt and rounded, and the eyes are large.

The body is brown to reddish brown, with a cream to orange-brown belly and pairs of vague pale brown spots in the forward part of the body. The lips, chin and throat are white, and there are white blotches on the flanks immediately behind the neck.

The Orange-bellied Ringneck occurs in parts of  Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore, Sumatra (and nearby, smaller  islands), Java, Borneo and the Natuna Islands (which lie mid-way between Peninsular Malaysia and Borneo).

Figs 1 to 3 : These images are of a 35 cm specimen found active late morning in an area of secondary forest near freshwater swamp forest in Singapore. The specimen exhibits typical colours and patterning for the species.

Figs 4 and 5 : A 40 cm specimen from Singapore's central forests found at night during the rainy season,  resting on a fern at the forest edge. The orange belly is clearly visible in Figure 5. Photos thanks to Connor Butler.

References :

Baker, N. & K. Lim, (Vertebrate Study Group, Nature Society Singapore), 2008. Wild Animals Of Singapore. Draco Publishing and Distribution Pte. Ltd.

Das, I., 2010. A Field Guide to the Reptiles of South-east Asia. New Holland Publishers (UK) Ltd.

Fig 4

©  Connor Butler

Fig 5
©  Connor Butler